Small Cat Journal

Friday, August 25, 2006


Let's kick things off with my favourite stray. I first noticed it crouching under a tree, meowing away incessantly. Curious, I went forward to take a look. It looked back at me and continued its meowings. So, I gave it a name, an apt one - Calling. As I did not bring my camera with me then, I went back to the same spot a week later to take a few shots at it.

The rain had just stopped that night and there he was, crouching by the footpath, observing the occasional jogger who ran past.

Calling is a friendly cat and walked around my legs the first time I encountered it. It seems almost instinctive for him to do that. Oh yeah, I thought he was a "she" until I took a closer look at the stuff between his hind legs.

A close-up picture. Note his ears are still pointed, i.e. he is not neutered yet.

Calling was chasing after my feet and I had jumped over a puddle of water to shake off his advances. To my surprise, he padded gingerly across the puddle and sat between my feet. Isn't that sweet?

Come to think of it, I have more of Calling's pictures than any other cats. Perhaps I should rename this blog, ya? Nah, he steals the show but the show anin't his.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Humble beginnings

I've been wanting to setup a blog to document stray cats that I encounter. And I finally got down to it on 11th Aug 2006, roughly some 22 days ago. The reasons why I hogged this domain name for 22 days without posting a single post can be attributed to the start of a new semester, a sudden food poisoning incident and more importantly, you should have guessed it by now. Yes, sloth.

Anyway, I had wanted to name this Small Cat Diary. There is this wildlife documentary named Big Cats Diary where the researchers studied big cats. Since I'm focusing on small cats, I thought the blog should be named aptly so. Alas, the domain name has been occupied and the next best alternative is this. Kudos to Dear, who helped me to come up with the name.

Below is the exact transcript of our MSN conversation, completely unedited for typos and in its unadulterated form:

hg: ARGH!!!!!!!!!!1
hg: is taken liao.... *grumble grumble*
Qing: oh!
Qing: hah
Qing: wad abt smallcatjournal
Qing: orh....
Qing: kittensdiary
Qing: or....
Qing: kittyland
Qing: kittydiary
hg: kittyland majiam hello kitty
hg: i want small cat diary leh...... hai
hg: smallcatjournal not taken though..... hmm........
Qing: or
Qing: hmm
Qing: i thinking for u
Qing: ohter words for diary

This conversation took place on 11th July 2006, about 11.22pm. See how sloth has hampered my progress in turning this blog into a reality?

It's running late now and I'm not really keen in typing a long, wordy post now. Say, did I mention that this is going to be the only long, wordy post around on this blog? All other posts will adopt a show-and-tell approach with a higher ration of "showing" than "telling". I hope I can keep to that, for I can get real long-winded at times. Yeah, like now. Oh, heck...

OK, so that's it for now. I'll upload pictures in the near future. OK, more specifically, in a week's time.